Call for Papers

American, British and Canadian Studies appears biannually in June and December. It is a peer-reviewed journal that sets out to explore the intersections of culture, technology and the human sciences in the age of electronic information. It publishes work by scholars of any nationality on Anglophone Studies, Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, Anthropology, Area Studies, Multimedia and Digital Arts, Linguistics, Translation Studies and related subjects. Articles addressing influential crosscurrents in current academic thinking are particularly welcomed. ABC Studies also publishes book reviews and review essays, interviews, work-in-progress, conference reports, research project outlines, notes and comments.

To maintain an ongoing dialogue with our readers, we alternate commissioned themed issues, where papers are actively commissioned by the special issue editor, with issues featuring unsolicited submissions that address themes of immediate interest to us. Calls for papers inviting submissions to the non-commissioned issues are announced via the journal’s web pages and in the journal itself. Our primary goal is to bring together in trans-cultural dialogue scholars conducting advanced research in the theoretical humanities. As well as offering innovative approaches to influential crosscurrents in recent thinking, the journal seeks to contribute fresh angles to the academic subject of English and promote groundbreaking research across conventional boundaries. Within the proposed range of diversity, our major scope is to provide close examinations and lucid analyses of the role and future of the academic institutions at the cutting edge of high-tech.

To respond to the increasing demands of ‘acceleration’ in the twenty-first century, an Open Access electronic edition of the journal is now available with De Gruyter. Articles published in ABC Studies are abstracted and indexed on the journal’s website, and in several international data bases.

Articles will be subject to a blind peer reviewing process and must not be under consideration for any other publications.

Submission guidelines: The first page of the manuscript should carry the title, names of authors, institutional affiliations, a brief but detailed 200-word abstract, and 7-10 key words/ concepts. The article must be accompanied by a 200-word biographical note, and must conform to MLA referencing (9th Edition). Please see further information and instructions on the journal’s Submission Guidelines at:

The word-limit for articles is 8500 words, including notes and references.