Vol. 5, 2004

Adriana Neagu – The Derridean Difference: In Memoriam Jacques

Literary Studies

Constantin Cheveresan – On British Naturist Poetry

Silvia Florea – Ezra Pound: A Mover in the Modernist Movement

Didi-Ionel Cenuser – Faulkner’s “Agony of Ink” in The Sound and the Fury

Sorin Stefanescu – Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants” – A Structuralist Approach

Ileana Cristea – Harlem and the Black Renaissance

Alina Onet – The Sense of Failure in D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers

Liliana Ciocoi-Pop – The World of Ideas between the Sublime and the Grotesque in Antic Hay by Aldous Huxley: A Parallel with Camil Petrescu’s Work

Mihaela Irimia – Of Typewriters, Types, and Writers: Elizabeth Bishop in a New Context – A Transatlantic Visitor’s View

Alexandra Mitrea – Identity as a Locus of Polarities in Saul Bellow’s Work

Lucia Pavelescu – A “One Hand Clapping” Approach to Life

Olga Stroia – Variations in John Fowles’ Literary Work

Clementina Mihailescu – Players Unaware of the Game: Non-Apperception of the Evil vs. Apperception and the Love of the Good in The Flight From The Enchanter

Gabriela Nistor – The Paranoic Dimension of James Kelman’s Short Story Character

Critical and Cultural Theory

Eugen Gergely – Oakeshott and ‘Rationalism

Ana-Karina Schneider – Deconstruction and Au(c)to-deconstruction in William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying

Cristina Sandru – A Poetics of the Liminal: Magical Realism and Its Horizons of Escape

Anca Ignat – Rethinking History: Postmodernist Perspectives

Andreea Dijmarescu – The Role of the Monarchy in Britain

Film Studies and Visual Arts

Dana Altman – Technology as Art

Asbjørn Grønstad – Straw Dogs and the Aesthetic of Violence (I)

Daria Rahaian – William Carlos Williams in a Painters’ World

Canadian and Francophone Studies

David Howard – The Transparent Empire: Exhibition Strategy and the Cold War at EXPO ’67

Lucia Zaharescu – Le Quebec et ses lois linguistiques

Ramona Cojocaru-Fletcher – Coming Out of Oblivion: History and Identity in The Blind Assassin and Alias Grace (I)

Rodica-Maria Fofiu – L’art de l’effet final dans deux récits fantastiques: Véra de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam et Le portrait ovale de Edgar Allan Poe

Maria-Rodica Mihulecea – Valeurs expressives de la répétition dans les proverbes et les dictons de l’espace linguistique francophone

Language and ELT

Anca Muresan – The Stylistics of the Parts of Speech in Memories of Childhood

Sorin Ungureanu – The Evolution of Political Correctness within the American Establishment

Ovidiu Matiu – Translation and Culture – The Gestalt Principle in Translation

Alan Pulverness – Outside Looking in: Teaching Literature as Dialogue

Shihua Wang – A Need for Reform in College English Testing in China

Feng Ying Zhu – Using Computer-Assisted Instruction Methods in Chinese English-Language Teaching


Adriana Neagu – Sharing Time With The Other: The Fellowship of Oxford 2004

Alexandra Mitrea – Salzburg Seminar SSASAA 01 America in Our Time Salzburg, Austria, September 2-5, 2004

Lucia Zaharescu – Rapport sur la 9e Conférence internationale sur la loi et la langue: Beijing, Chine, 15 – 18 septembre 2004