Ten Years After: Celebrating ABC 10 Horizons of Change Introspections / Retrospections Boundaries of Mourning: Gender, Poetry, and Place in Wordsworth’s “Maternal Grief” A Stylistic Analysis of William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying Robert Duncan: The Stylistics of the Self Suicide as Affirmation and Gender as a Conscious Choice: The Deconstruction of Identity in Jeffrey Eugenides’ Major Novels Kissing Women: the Fiction of Sarah Waters “The Great Race”? The African Other and Abject Hybridity in H. P. Lovecraft’s Short Horror Fiction De « l’homme à fragments » à « l’homme rapaillé ». Les enjeux identitaires dans l’œuvre de Cioran et de Gaston Miron Fiction et fictionnalisation chez Hubert Aquin In-Theory The Challenge of Critical Reflexivity through a Postmodern Paradox Cultural Strategy in the Golden Age of Terror: The Relationship of the 1964 New York World’s Fair to the New Frontier and the Cold War Games Doctors Play: Remedy as Cybernetic Strategy in Postmodern Fiction “Pathological Rationality” in Ian McEwan’s Enduring Love and Saturday CinescapesTact and Tactility: On Jane Campion’s In the Cut Across LinguisticsBuilding Translation Skills in an Academic Framework SightlinesDon’t Mention the E-word! Academic Freedom and the Theaching of Literature New WritingBeyond The Waiter Prince Orhan and the Songbird ReviewsChristine Berberich, The Image of the English Gentleman in Twentieth-Century Literature: Englishness and Nostalgia Stephen C. Pepper, Classic Texts for ABC Disciplines, World Hypotheses: A Study in Evidence Dialogus English Studies in Non-Anglophone Contexts: Higher Education in Bulgaria and Romania From Pictograph to Ideogram with Ezra Pound: The History of the Pictorial Significance of the Chinese Character Book Announcements